Say we have a bind9 server, and wish to update some DNS records remotely, without restarting the server.
RFC2136 defines a protocol and tooling to do it in a reasonably standard way.
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Encrypting files to ssh hosts
This is probably a bad idea for forward secrecy reasons. But, did you know what every SSH server tells you how you can encrypt data for it?
#!/bin/bash exec qemu-system-x86_64 \ -m 1G -smp 2 -enable-kvm \ -drive file=/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd,if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on \ $@
\set PROMPT1 = '%`date` %n@%m:%/%R%# ' \timing SELECT 1;
ffmpeg -i "${INPUT_VIDEO}" -vf cropdetect -f null -
fail2ban with opensmtpd
opensmtpd is a tricky service to create fail2ban rules for. For starters, the IP address to match is logged to a different line to the authentication state.
Serial on a Raspberry Pi Zero (or any one with an OTG USB port) can be used without
adding the GPIO headers by sending the console down the USB cable itself.
This will present as ttyGS0 on the pi, and ttyACM0 on the host.
Here’s an ffmpeg command to strip audio and downscale video for social media posts that don’t need full fidelity.
Using less cargo space
You can reuse the same directory for compiling rust intermediate files and use less overall disk space by setting target-dir to a single location, shared between projects.
Ever tired of processes OOMing each other?
systemd has a super easy way to limit the memory any service (by cgroup) can consume.